Let’s Do the Numbers

Kate Murr

If you like numbers, you’ll get a kick out of this one! Here is a look at our milage and time spent on the bikes to date. The calorie count is pretty ridiculous, considering our computers assume we’re working harder at quicker speeds instead of burning entire cheeseburger meals per minute whilst hauling our loads uphill at 4.5 miles per hour! Note, our average speed to date is a blazing 10.4 mph and our average distance per day is 37.61 miles.

MAA Mileage Chart
Date Hours on Wheels Miles per Day Avg. Speed Max. Speed Calories Burned
4/21 4:08 39.67 9.5 21.2 664
4/22 2:42 26.47 9.7 24.4 474
4/23 3:57 38.18 9.6 24.4 691
4/24 3:05 35.99 11.6 27.1 765
4/25 1:54 21.57 11.2 19.7 437
4/26 4:40 46.13 9.8 21.6 784
4/27 3:46 35.15 9.2 20 557
4/28 4:30 46.42 10.2 27.1 889
4/29 2:46 29.7 10.6 28.6 655
5/1 5:18 52.41 9.8 31.5 1125
5/2 3:28 34.13 9.7 31.6 679
5/3 2:39 25.97 10 25.6 497
5/4 4:06 47.32 11.5 29.5 1050
5/5 3:45 44.09 11.7 27.8 966
5/6 2:47 27.37 9.7 31.1 507
5/8 5:35 54.85 9.7 25 940
5/9 1:57 12.54 6.3 24.2 177
5/10 2:59 36.34 12.1 32.4 914
5/12 4:34 48.96 10.6 38.5 1245
5/13 2:34 29.08 11 33.9 717
5/14 3:57 46.74 11.8 31.4 1092
5/15 3:32 43 12.1 29.6 980
5/17 3:48 44.42 11.6 27.8 930
5/18 3:49 42.22 11.4 29 883
5/19 4:52 51.27 10.4 27.1 1015
5/20 1:54 19.79 10.3 26 445
5/21 3:38 35.65 9.7 31.1 890
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