April 23, 2010- Tantrums with Stars

Kate Murr

Lake Swan Camp was spectacular. The owner hiked over as we were breaking camp with her baby on her back. They don’t typically let campers stay, she told us, but that day she had received two requests before us, and she was glad we enjoyed the grounds, so they might reconsider their policy. Since the camp is right on the Adventure Cycling Southern Tier route, I suggested she contact the organization so they can put it on their terrific maps. For our $12 it was a fantastic experience.

About a mile down the road we met our first cross-country bikers. They were two days away from finishing their trek, with their two rear panniers apiece and their light, fast looking bikes. Go Kirks! I hope you got yourself some Atlantic Ocean on your wheels.

Lunch was nearly unremarkable: a foot-long Subway sandwich split four ways and a bag of chips, with the promise of fruit, avocados, and leftover pasta down the road.  The kids were about to nap, and we didn’t take time to dine because we knew they would be walking and playing on the Gainesville-Hawthorne trail ahead.

Attention bicyclists: 219A to the trail doesn’t have a shoulder. And it’s peppered with “trucks entering” signs. However, there is little traffic and clear visibility. Stuart and I pedaled quickly to the trail, stopping at a flaming red florist shop in Hawthorne to refill water bottles and to inevitably screw ourselves by interrupting nap time.

Once on the trail the kids walked, helpfully pushing the Burleys from behind. Brady launched a three star tantrum because his shirt wasn’t fast enough for him to run reallyfast on the trail (his shoes and Cardinal hat were, but his shirt was not). This tantrum was followed, 14 miles later, by the great “I want to ride on Daddy’s shoulders” tantrum; four stars.

We were told to visit the alligators on the La Chua trail. The sign said they feed by size (toddler size), so we were very careful to hold hands and carry the wee. The alligators yawned; flicked tails; eyed Brady very carefully, turning as we walked, sizing.

We navigated to the Gainesville Country Club home of friend-of-friend-turned-friend, Jorelle and husband, Michael.  Our gracious hosts allowed us to ring their tub and took us out for a fantastic Asian dinner at a local restaurant. Stuart and Michael later discussed technology as Jorelle and I mulled over reading, relationships, and the direction of dreams.

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