April 29, 2010-To Tallahassee

Kate Murr

Actual conversation from Highway 27 on the way to Tallahassee:

Stu: Hey Katy, I made up a song.
Kate: Oh.
Stu: I can sing it for you!
Kate: OK
Stu: It’s great, it teaches math, and it can just keep going! OK. Ready?
Two dead possums on the road,
Two dead possums nowhere to go,
One was skinny, and one was fat,
Now all the possums are pancake flat.
Three possums on the road…
Kate: Got it.

Besides the possum song, Highway 27 into Tallahassee, a departure from our maps but the most direct and recommended route by the locals, was pretty unremarkable. However, we did stop beneath a huge live oak for a rest and ice cream. We navigated Tallahassee’s non-biker friendly streets to Mecca: showers, laundry, fantastic lasagna dinner, and new friends Ashleigh and Dustin.

We had met Ashleigh and her mom last year on the Katy Trail. They were headed west on the Trans American Trail across the country. She was one of our chief inspirations for making this journey, and for avoiding as much of Kentucky as possible. Over dinner she shared insights from her adventure and told stories of the kindness and oddities she had encountered.

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